Land Use & Development
Development entitlements and building permitting
EIR development and CEQA processing through the coordination of the lead agency and technical consultants
Highest and Best Use determination
Phasing plans based on existing infrastructure, utilities, and market forces
Structured Finance
Developing dynamic models for projected investment performance
Capital structures developed through a balancing of leveraged returns with timing risks
Negotiating inter-creditor agreements
Property Market Due Diligence
Historical data analysis of cap rates, operating expenses, competitive set
New supply pipelines and likelihood of delivery
Market trends and evolutions
Establishing drivers of growth and change
Sensitivity analysis
Distressed Debt Acquisition
Determining stabilized value and resolution strategy
Establishing land value and alternative uses
Deferred maintenance impacts P & L audits
All weather cap rate determinations
Equity Modelling
Dynamic modeling and projected performance for equity, preferred equity, mezzanine debt and senior debt
Simulations, sensitivity and scenario modeling
Determination of key drivers of investment performance
Reserve modeling for construction and re-hab projects
Developer/sponsor assessment